
本篇文章给大家谈谈动物模型的标题怎么写英语,以及动物模型的标题怎么写英语作文对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 今天给各位分享动物模型的标题怎么写英语的知识,其中也会对动物模型的标题怎么写英语作文进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!
A tiger caught a Deer.一只老虎抓到一头鹿
The tiger plans to eat the deer, so the deer screamed: " you can't eat me"老虎打算吃了这头鹿.鹿急忙大叫:“你不能吃我?”
The tiger hesitated, feeling very strange, so he asked the deer: " why can't i eat you? 老虎一楞,感到很奇怪,于是问鹿:“为什么我不能吃你?”
The deer said:" Because im a protected second class animal in the country, so, no matter what you can't eat me !" 鹿说:“因为我是国家二级保护动物,所以,你无论如何也不能吃了我!”
The tiger after hearing what the deer said, laughed and said " haha, then i should really eat you ! 老虎听完笑着说:“呵呵,那么我更应该要吃你了
Deer asked : " why ?" 鹿说:“为什么?”
" because im a first class protected animal in the country" Tiger proudly said “因为我是国家一级动物!”老虎得意地说。
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